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时间:2021-04-13 08:44:13 来源:本网
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  3月29日,广东省委、省政府发布《关于支持湛江加快建设省域副中心城市 打造现代化沿海经济带重要发展极的意见》,将湛江定位为服务重大战略高质量发展区、陆海联动发展重要节点城市、现代化区域性海洋城市、全省区域协调发展重要引擎,并提出了25条支持政策。





Zhanjiang to become provincial subcenter

  Package of policies give city the chance to boost its presence in Guangdong province

  Zhanjiang, a coastal city in South China's Guangdong province, is to steer local development into the fast lane with the provincial government launching a package of policies to make it a subcentral city of the province.

  On March 29, the Guangdong provincial government issued a guideline to support Zhanjiang in accelerating its development as a provincial subcentral city. It will build itself into a key engine to drive the growth of the coastal economic belt of Guangdong.

  The policies are regarded by the Zhanjiang authorities as a "big gift package". They address local concerns over growth in transport, industrial development, urban layout and trade with the Hainan Free Trade Port.

  Zhanjiang's development goals by 2025 are defined in the guideline, pointing out that significant progress should be made in the subcentral city program, economic growth, urban development and transport network expansion.

  Moreover, the guideline requires Zhanjiang to make special efforts to involve itself in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, cooperate with the Hainan Free Trade Port and collaborate with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
